
イギリスから、アイリッシュ・ディアスポラ研究の第一人者ブロンウェン・ウォルター(Bronwen Walter)アングリア・ラスキン大学名誉教授をお迎えして、セミナーを開催します。みなさまのご出席をお待ちしております。

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タイトル: Placing women in the Irish diaspora


14:00-14:05 開会の辞

14:05-14:50 報告 Browen Walter, Placing women in the Irish diaspora

14:50-15:10 コメント 浜井祐三子 (北海道大学)

15:10-15:40 コーヒーブレイク

15:40-16:00 レスポンス

16:00-17:00 質疑応答・ディスカッション

17:00    閉会

概要:More than half of the people leaving Ireland over the past two centuries have been women, yet representations of migrants are usually male. Women have been invisible both within the Irish community and in the ‘host’ societies they have entered. Yet their economic contribution has been essential both to societies of destination and migrant households. This paper explores the paid and unpaid work of women in different diasporic locations, including Britain, the USA and parts of the British Empire.

*Bronwen Walter氏プロフィール

Emerita Professor of Irish Diaspora Studies


Irish migration to Britain and the wider experiences of the Irish diaspora.

Current interests include multi-generational Irish identities in England, Newfoundland and New Zealand, and whiteness


・‘The diaspora in comparative and inter-generational perspective’ in F. Biagini and Mary E. Daly, (eds), Cambridge Social History of Modern Ireland, CUP, 2017、pp.423-438.

・’Placing Irish women within and beyond the British Empire’, in D.A.J MacPherson, and MJ Hickman, (eds.). Women and Irish diaspora identities: Theories, concepts and new perspectives, Manchester University Press, 2014, pp.133-150.

・ ‘Strangers on the inside: Irish women servants in England, 1881’,

Immigrants & Minorities, 27(2 and 3), 2009, pp.279-299.

・ ‘Irish women in the diaspora: exclusions and inclusions’, Women’s Studies International Forum 2, 2004, pp.369-384.

Outsiders inside: whiteness, place and Irish women. Routledge, 2001, 306pp.

Discrimination and the Irish Community in Britain, a report for Commission for Racial Equality, Commission for Racial Equality, 1997, 286pp, (with Mary J. Hickman)



